Παρασκευή 12 Δεκεμβρίου 2008


For Immediate Release: December 12, 2008

Contact: Nikolaos Taneris, New York, Tel. 1-917-699-9935,
Ioannis Fidanakis, New Jersey, Tel. 1-973-464-0211

NEW YORK—The Cyprus Action Network of America (CANA) and the Hellenic League of America is concerned with the rising wave of Anti-Hellenism in recent days around the world. The Greek consulate in Constantinople was vandalized and doused in red paint, in London the Greek Embassy was almost forcibly occupied ,and In New York the consulate general of Greece was victim to a brick and spray paint attack and impromptu demonstration by 18-20 hateful individuals of non-Hellenic origin just this past Wednesday.

Following on the heels of our letter writing campaign to VISA to cancel the false historical revisionism of the Washington DC-based “United Macedonian Diaspora UMD”, we have received reports indicating that the Australian Pan Macedonian offices were vandalized and pictures of Alexander The Great were torn to pieces along with serious damage to doors, computers and office furniture. Pictures of the attack are available on Ioannis Fidanakis’ weblog, in this blog entry link: http://enocism.blogspot.com/2008/12/pan-macedonian-association-in-australia.html

Individuals wishing to express condolences to the Pan Macedonian Association in Australia, and offer them their support can contact them through their organizational Email: AMAC

Anti-Hellenism (in Greek: Áíèåëëçíéóìüò) is a hate movement of racist hostility toward the Greek people, culture and country. Incidents of Anti-Hellenism are often spurred on by racist diatribes by often Anglo-Saxon, Turkish and Slavo-Mongol or Slav-Vardaskan writers and media communications. Several lobbies in Washington DC have definite Anti-Hellenic racist agendas (i.e. “United Macedonian Diaspora UMD” and “Assembly of Turkish American Associations ATAA”) Territorial claims and disputes connected with the modern state of Greece are part of the root cause to this ugly form of racism: there are actually Turkish and other Balkan extremist groups (such as the Grey Wolves) and governments (Turkey and Vardarska aka “FYROM”) who claim part or all of Greece's land and sea. These racist groups associated with those governments have also been involved in arson, rapes and murders through racist lynchings of Hellenes. Various Anti-Hellenic racist slurs have crept into the Western world, such as false accusations that “Greece is a toilet” or that “Greeks are Mongrels” or racist caricatures of Greeks as demented perverts, and have appeared in everything from official publications, newspapers, mass media and on the internet to dangerous degrees.

CANA and the Hellenic League of America in coalition with other Hellenic-American organizations will soon release a position paper on the perpetrators of Anti-Hellenism and the rising tide of rabid Anti-Hellenism around the world. Moreover, we encourage all Hellenes or ethnic Greeks to band together to show the world that we will not live in fear.

We are monitoring the situation and as descendents of ethnic cleansings and Genocides (including the Asia Minor Holocaust) which have yet to be fully recognized, we intend to send the message out that “NEVER AGAIN” will we live in fear of being burned out of our homes, of being raped and tortured and brutally degraded and marched off by means of ropes and whips to be massacred.


Cyprus Action Network of America (CANA)
2578 Broadway #132
New York, NY 10025
New York: Tel. 917-699-9935
Email: cana@cyprusactionnetwork.org

The Cyprus Action Network of America (CANA) is a grass-roots, not-for-profit movement created to support genuine self-determination and human rights for the people of Cyprus.

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